Mandatory House of Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licensing Examine FacebookSamplePage and FacebookSampleController to see how the sample app is put together.We have three types of property licensing in Newcastle. Now you have the sample pages working, you have a starting point for a Facebook app running on.There are buttons to dynamically retrieve your user profile and friends list. Do so and you should see a sample page showing your Facebook user name, profile picture, feed, 'Like' button etc. ) and you should be prompted to log in to your new app. Note that, after you save the Facebook App record, you must click the 'Set App Secret' button to enter the 'App Secret' from your new app's settings in Facebook. See the Facebook Graph API documentation for a full discussion of permissions. Set 'Permissions' to allow the sample app to access more data for example, you might use read_stream, publish_stream to allow the app to read and write posts on the user's feed. Create a new Facebook app, copying 'App ID' from your new app's settings in Facebook. In your DE environment, select the 'Facebook Toolkit 3' app from the application menu at top right, then click the 'Facebook Apps' tab.Under 'Website', set Site URL to your site's secure URL - for example, Go to the Facebook Apps Page, click 'Create New App' and complete the required fields.This scheduled Apex job will remove expired session records from the FacebookSession_c object. Go to Setup | App Setup | Develop | Apex Classes, hit the 'Compile All Classes' link, then click 'Schedule Apex' and add FacebookHousekeeping - set it to run at midnight every night.

Set the home page to FacebookToolkitPage and add FacebookCallback, FacebookInboxPage, FacebookSamplePage and FacebookTestUser to the list of Site Visualforce Pages.