After downloading full, you need to use WinRAR and extract.
First of all, download Ardamax Keylogger Latest Version is Here from the below link.
How to download and install Keylogger into windows?:
It starts automatically when the computer starts without any user action.
Very easy to install and use with an easy user interface.
Ardamax Keylogger Support feature will destroy itself with a set time and date on the target computer.
It helps you point to the exact date and time the window received a keystroke.
It fully supports Unicode characters, making it possible to record in a different language.
The application monitor will record the application that was in use that received the keystroke.
Allows you to protect the program settings, log manager, and log files in Hidden mode with a password.
Chat Monitoring AIM, Windows Live Messenger, ICQ, Skype, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, Miranda, QiP.
It is not visible, so there is no risk of detection.
It works invisibly to anyone in the background.
Save all text copied to the Windows Clipboard.
Record voice from the computer or laptop microphone.
It can also upload recorded logs via FTP delivery.
You are supported to send your recorded log via email, which is perfect for monitoring your computer remotely.
Record webcam automatically by your confirmation.
Backed up by records or log all websites visited by any browser.
The keystroke logger helped Records keystrokes, hidden characters, and even passwords.
Supported Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 32bit and 64bit.
When your friend performs any activities, then you will get log files into your email box and make fun with your buddies.:D The Features of Ardamax keylogger’s Latest Version: Then, download free ardamax keylogger s e rial key software, install it on your victim’s computer, configure it with your email address, and wait. Suppose you want to know what your friends do after you are not with them or want to spy on you or hack your friends’ data. Need similar software, then download Actual Keylogger’s latest version.